Yoga Instructor - The Energetic One



Releasing Negativity ​ With Shahd , Karine and Sarah

We’ve all been through times of turbulence, anxiety, and negativity. This series is created to help you release this negativity using both...

Summer Transformation Program With Mariam , Sarah , Nina , Laila , Zag , Jenny and Marwan Beginner - Intermediate

Look & feel fabulous this summer! Work your body, calm your mind, lift your spirits & shine! This 21 day series will take you throug...

How to Yoga Series With Sarah , Laila , Nina , Jenny , Mariam and Marwan Beginner

This is for the curious ones, who haven’t tried yoga before; they see the pretty poses, hear the good things but have no clue where to...

The Unusual Yoga Collection With Sarah , Marwan , Mariam and Laila Beginner - Intermediate

Want to open your mind to different possibilities & explore movement in this unusual collection. These classes are put together for you ...

Work The Whole Body With Tahra and Nina Intermediate

Looking for a full workout? This series has classes that would allow you to exercise every part of your body....

The Breathing Classes With Mariam and Sarah Beginner

Yoga is not Yoga without the breath.
Learn how to breathe correctly, to calm your mind, to silence your thoughts & experience the ...

يوجا للمبتدئين With Sarah Beginner

بقالك فترة بتسمع عن اليوجا و مهتم تعرف و تفهم عنها اكتر؟ السلسلة دي فيها كل ال...

سكون بالعربي With Ghada , Sarah and Shahd Beginner - Intermediate

بتدور على يوجا بالعربي و مش لاقي؟ عايز تعرف اكتر عن اليوجا و مش عارف تبدأ منين...

Arm Balances & Inversions With Marwan , Mariam , Nina , Sarah and Laila Intermediate - Advanced

Looking to work your core, arms & back. This program is focused on building your strength. Building strength aids in building muscles an...

The 10 Mins Series With Sarah , Laila , Nina and Mariam Beginner - Intermediate

Leading a fast-paced life can make people drift from taking care of themselves. This diverse series is create...

Relax & Sleep Collection With Jenny , Sarah , Laila and Nina Beginner

When you find yourself anxious, worried, insomniac; when the mind is racing, the body is aching, we are here for you!
This is a collec...

Sukun Yin Collection With Jenny and Sarah Beginner

Yin is s a restorative style of yoga where the poses are slow-paced and...


Yoga Active Vs. Passive in Life With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Moderate
Yoga Steps to Yoga With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga Roots of Balance with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Moderate
Yoga All Warriors in One with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Moderate
Yoga Breathwork with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga A Big Thank You With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga Tired of Being Tired With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Low
Yoga تمرين للتنفس With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga يوجا للمبتدئين ٣ : يوجا  للظهر With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga يوجا للمبتدئين ٢ : الاوضاع الواقفة With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga يوجا للمبتدئين ١ : أساسيات اليوجا With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga Simples Rules of Upside Down With Sarah
Difficulty Intermediate
Intensity Moderate
Yoga Releasing Our Limitations With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Mixed
Yoga A Very Flowy Flow with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Mixed
Yoga Learn to Breathe with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga Head Down, Mood Up with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Intermediate - Advanced
Intensity Mixed
Yoga The 10 Mins Splits Routine with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Mixed
Yoga 10 Min Yoga Sprint with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity High
Yoga 10 Mins to Sleep with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga Sukun Yin with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Intermediate
Intensity Moderate
Yoga Back to Alignment Basics with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Intermediate
Intensity Mixed
Yoga Spill Your Heart Out with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Mixed
Yoga Yoga Beginnings of Beginnings with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner
Intensity Low
Yoga Sorry! Feet only with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Intensity Mixed
Yoga Never Leaving Earth with Sarah With Sarah
Difficulty Intermediate
Intensity Moderate